hotstar Interstellar 2014 Full Movie Stream Free

Writed by - Jonathan Nolan

year - 2014

Tomatometer - 9,2 of 10 star

countries - UK

genre - Drama




SO this movie wasn't that bad but it isn't as good as people make it out to be for sure. For one the movie is very slow at the start. And Matthew McConaughey's character is no good guy he kinda only cares about himself for about 95% of the movie. There are some good moments but the end just gets weird! It goes 100% unrealistic with and then makes tries to McConaughey people try to defend the film by saying it is all realistic but for one I find it hard to believe that the planet is dying but we still have oil and gas for our cars. And even if it there is some real theory behind parts of the movie the last 30 mins ruin any credibility that had been setup. so all in all it's OK but nothing great and don't listen to the sheep.

I went in to the cinema with high expectations of this film, and to be honest half way through i was disappointed due to my own preconceived notions, but then as soon i realized the direction the film was headed and what it was trying to convey i was overjoyed. Very rarely does a film try to break new ground on a scale that this film does and even more rarely does the film succeed and deliver with such power conviction and class. Interstellar takes us on a journey quite like no other, not only does it take us on a journey in the literal sense but it also journeys through the mind and the soul in an effort to display and explain the human condition and what is very likely to be our next chapter of existence. The acting is superb nothing less than flawless with Matthew McConaughey taking center stage in what i believe will be called the greatest role of his life, as a father I related to his character on many levels but it was his thirst for adventure and his desire to succeed i found most endearing. Without a doubt this was my greatest cinema experience, my heart was pounding I was on the edge of my seat with tears in my eyes and wonder in my soul. From the staggeringly breath taking visuals to the heart string tugging sentiment to the shear intelligence of the story telling, Interstellar is a piece of art that marvels at the wonders of man and the unknown, that in turn we as viewers should marvel at in owe.





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